fingers on my feet

“There is a resonance to the things that are me.” - Maggie Rogers

“Empowered as I expose that what I’m scared of the most, is myself. I’m terrified of what allowing all of me will feel like. Tactically suffocating my vitality to keep me “safe”. “Don’t move, hold your breath, stay vigilant, that’s how you survive this world.” AND I want Me so bad. A paradox, just like any other real truth. There is nothing to solve, don’t get sucked into that worm hole. There IS more room to make and more of Me to welcome in. Allowing the plurality of voices asks me to build on my capacity to stay with me, and FEEL it all. That’s the key ingredient. Choosing to allow Me and stay. Not knowing where that’s leading me, and still staying. Not just for what’s “preferable” and “safe” but staying for all of me. That’s what I’m here for.” - Bela Crowder

Micaela Yawney